The Accident

Alexandra Hastings

A crown highway, tender
hour, tumbling beams—in
one widening moment, two
drivers collide

I can’t be both. Meet me
halfway, can you swing it? In
this widening moment
a siren’s howl

Call me, what is this I can’t
hear you, listen goodnight.
Moments widen
-ing, arms out, stretched

Beholden. I’d give it all
to walk the world widening
moments into years
toward the end

Dawn cold to crack bone
and glass, shot headfirst to
blooming asphalt— the
road narrows.


Alexandra Hastings is a poet, writer, editor, and visual artist from Seattle, Washington. Her poems have been published in Jeopardy Magazine and she served as an associate editor of Western Washington University's undergraduate research publication, Occam’s Razor. She recently spent two years teaching English in Busan, South Korea, and is now based in Spokane, Washington where she works as a freelance editor.

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