Nikola Teixeira

after Christopher Reeve on The Muppet Show


Think o you’ll go down on brand base crypt
tonite & fit in one strip-cut crunch & push-
up. Why not you figure you’re not getting
any. Younger, you’re falling behind a lousy
curve. You had better get on top of it, only
you forgot madman’s robot-tier lines of a
guy who had everything & then fell off the
Samhorse from Smallville. Doing just fine,
just finished for-sale fields studying Lane’s
report on meteor showers. Load doc Brain-i
-axe, password dish, OK here we go with his
six pack of love that can read your sole mind
on how to get off Yorick rocks to real Bizzaro
world’s angle & steal headlines over dead seas

            forgive me!

just. Icon waits to view Superman & Super-
Man Returns on a trip to corn commercial
where live wires catch on real quick if your
source is credible, & civilized maniac Super-
man, girl, sees right on darn thru your low-
blow. Figure her out within one single bound
but don’t go jump to hip call me! conclusions,
self, reporter, you know strange-never power
of untrue dog to read between lines to prove
Daily Planet Cinderella wanted to be wrong
for running on in blue-jean dukes-of-hazard
comic, news. With your bull-it eyes, you must
take off krypto-clear contact lenses to let your
I-balls breathe under bifocal saucers & X-rays
reveal how to solve you, prove you, & boy, by
photo booth signals, she’ll find lies ring right.


POPS & Jimmy r only delaying key Wheaties
action 2B as Chief as alien proposal of Kans
-as. Clark fools will wonder how you get one
ringlet right down darnnit middle for $ employ-
ment. You swallow blue-diamond CPU bits to
get a rise out of a raise & all of a sudden good-
old-boy act disappears to play a terribly humble
mild fraud from Zod. You r tight, one-in-a-million
tale, so powerfully fine, steam locomotives leap 
ice-ribbon honors of ATM Fortresses of Sol-lil
o-quy i-tudes 4 Bingo! Bam! Pow! America man-
ners who is John Galt? anyways, onto the real scoop,
cover story on how you’re fake frosted-top fraud
lent your brief CK 1 drive 2 highway naughty ad

EARTHSCAN magnet-strong haunt’s harm on I CA

un can he


on training mat, he does real Superman—
legs up, arms out, belly to nuclear floor—
then turns on his back, following his plan,
& does crunches, then planks to jack his core.
Next he works his quads, his calves, & hamstrings,
to then go into curls, lunges, pull-downs, squats,
bench presses & then steps. He works every inch.
Machine-protein gene hacks swole up his thoughts.
He’ll rip thru alter ego by disc o rats! disguise.
Hamlet’s on screen as he does skull-crush set,
extensions in rows, dead-lifts, & cable flies.
Then he drinks smoothie & wipes off sweat
to head home, where he stashes his steroids,
& looks up @scrap Christ sky-flying asteroids. 

            It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s how do you say? ERRRR—

Nikola Teixeira is a New York dandy, not by choice. But by destiny, he’s not quite sure how much longer @muppoet's ticket is good for. His credentials can be discovered, but who has the time for all that?

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