Refuge has its Reasons

Daniel Edward Moore


Because Eutopia’s angelic shrill tempts your body
to turn this way whenever you hear the word target.

Because distance on an intimate scale is used by some
to measure in inches the ditch it calls the world.

Because chance & chatter calls you out as you break
your neck sliding into home.

Because instead of seasoned wood making something
warm in winter, there’s a chainsaw buzzing in Eden.

Because tomorrow's grave is the same old
yard where your ass gave life to a tire swing.

Because worshiping gods of altitude is the addict’s way
of learning the science of high.

Because ladders are lovers & stars are beds where
white flags fly on the masts of dark decisions. 



Daniel Edward Moore lives in Washington on Whidbey Island. He has poems forthcoming in Weber Review, The Cape Rock, Kestrel, Red Earth Review, RipRap, The Timberline Review, River Heron Review, Passages North, The Tipton Poetry Journal, Passengers Journal, The Night Heron Barks and The Coachella Review. He is the author of two chapbooks, “Confessions of a Pentecostal Buddhist” (CreateSpace) and “Boys “(Duck Lake Books). 'Waxing the Dents,' is full length collection is from Brick Road Poetry Press. Visit him at


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