Pandemic Villanelle #2

Danielle Evennou

Britney, wear red if you’re not okay
stock photos of pink roses mask death
she moves on loop to find an airway

her music still blares in the Marais
no faith to help US beat Goliath
please wear red because we’re not okay

trucks full of bodies driven away
fine until they couldn’t find their breath
we move in loops to find new airways

beach sun salutations scream mayday
wondering who took her head like Macbeth’s
please wear red if you are not okay

ignoring the remedy we pray
trademark baby voice beats Megadeth
she moves on loop to find an airway

dancing to keep the demons at bay
something more insidious than meth
Britney, wear red if you’re not okay
our grief embodied in your display


Danielle Evennou (she/her/hers) is a writer who grew up in suburban New Jersey. For over a decade, she has kept herself busy by hosting poetry readings, workshops, and open mics in Washington, DC. In 2016, she founded Slipform, a writing workshop that explores gender, sexuality, and formal poetic structures. Her poetry and memoir appear in apt, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Dryland, and Split Lip Magazine. Her chapbook, DIFFICULT TRICK, is available from dancing girl press. With the help of therapy, she is learning how to calm the f*** down. Find out more about Danielle and her work at See cute photos of her dog on Instagram at @whatevennou.

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